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Protecting Shampoo 500ml
  • Protecting Shampoo 500ml

    With all the things we do to our hair, it’s not surprising that it can feel weighed down, dull, and lifeless. Whether its hairspray, dry shampoo, hard water, or chlorine from the pool, your hair needs a gentle and effective shampoo that can be used daily. Protecting Shampoo gives your hair a fresh start. It cleans and revitalizes, giving you a healthylooking scalp and restoring hair’s body and shine. Safe for color-treated hair and gentle enough to use every day, doTERRA Protecting Shampoo removes impurities, dirt, and build up. Infused with pure essential oils of Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Spearmint, doTERRA Protecting Shampoo contains quinoa protein to help strengthen and protect hair. It is naturally refreshing and free from harsh chemicals, including sulfates, silicones, and parabens. Used with doTERRA Daily Conditioner, your hair will be hydrated, manageable, and full of life.

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